We have now been in our home for almost a month!! It's hard to believe time has gone so fast. With the home being a foreclosure, we have been working pretty hard trying to get it back into shape!
Each day this week, I am going to reveal a new room in my home. I plan on showing you the before and after pictures. I have been hard at work - and still have plenty to do. This will be my motivation to get everything unpacked!!
Today I will reveal the outside of the home. We worked VERY hard on the outside - especially this weekend. Enjoy!
Pulled out all the weeds in landscaping and added alot of perennials! I picked out a bunch of different colored flowers to brighten it up. :) I hope they grow alot bigger next year - they look so small right now!
Another view of home...
Right by the front door was this mysterious water hole. I wish I had a picture before we starting tearing this apart, but we don't. It was a hole on stinky water. A few weeks ago we scooped out the water, added dirt and planted a flower in it. After it rained, the hole filled up again and killed my beautiful flowers. So now it was time for Plan B this weekend!!
My husband first emptied all the stinky water from the hole. Here is Stuart digging out all the rock around it.
Still working...
An hour later, he was able to pull this part out of the ground. We are thinking it was meant to be some sort of pond, but it was left unused for over 2 years and did not smell good. I was so glad to see this gone!!
Stuart got pretty dirty - which I think he enjoyed.
After ripping out the tube and bottom that was holding the water, we filled it back in with rocks.
We then went out and found this beautiful blue pot to take the nasty hole's spot. I may need to find a smaller pot or two to sit next to it. I am also hoping the surrounding perennials will grow bigger around it.
And of course - our little helper! Wet!
We were also busy this weekend staining our back deck. Stay tuned for tomorrow's update - the backyard!
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